Posts Tagged ‘cold symptoms’
How to Knock Off Early Cold Symptoms
It won’t be long before the cold and flu season is upon us again. With the change of seasons often comes the unwelcome effects of the body throwing off toxins or anything causing imbalance. Sneezing, coughing, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, you know the drill.
All of these are the body’s attempt to escort or burn off unwanted substances that could cause more serious imbalances.
Want to know how to knock off the early cold symptoms?
The key is in helping the body return to its alkaline state quickly. When the blood pH of the body is slightly alkaline (somewhere around 7.2 pH is ideal), the body’s energy can be used for healing instead of constantly trying to maintain proper pH.
For example, an alkaline body will not allow most bacteria to grow. Bacteria thrive in acidic conditions, so creating an agreeable environment for them through improper diet and lifestyle is an open invitation to getting sick.
To help your body return to an alkaline state–which will immediately make you feel better as your cold symptoms disappear–use these key ingredients: umeboshi plum, genmai miso
, nori seaweed
, and caramelized white onion in water, then add green onion.
This simple broth will have you feeling better in no time.
Here are more detailed instructions:
Cold-fighting Miso Soup
1/2 white onion, diced
2 T plus 1 c. filtered water
1 T umeboshi plum
2 T Genmai miso
1 sheet of nori seaweed or 4 T nori flakes
1 green onion, diced
Caramelize your onion by heating 2 tablespoons of water in a saucepan over low heat, adding the diced white onion and cooking it until browned and slightly sticky.
Add the rest of the water and heat until hot, but not boiling. Add umeboshi plum and miso and stir until dissolved into a broth.
Then crumble nori into small pieces or add nori flakes.
Ladle soup into a bowl and add raw green onions as a garnish. Makes one serving.
Note: It’s important not to let this soup boil or cook long on your stovetop because the miso will lose its health benefits.
Your health prescription: Take often to ward off cold symptoms.
p.s. to learn more about these ingredients click any of the links below:
umeboshi plum | genmai miso
| nori seaweed